Market Timing

Stock Market timings : Pre open trade from 09:00 ~ 09:15 hours | Market Opens at: 09:15 hours and Closes at: 03:30 hours



Monday, 25 May 2020

Impact of Covid-19(Corona Virus) on Global Economy

All over the world has disturbed the political, social, economic, religious and financial structures because of the outbreak created by COVID-19. World’s topmost economies are at the verge of collapse such as the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan and many others.

Very important issues are fallen of oil price which create an impact on Middle East countries, apart from Stock Markets around the world have been pounded.

In just a week 3.3 million Americans applied for unemployment and a week later another 6.6 million people started searching for jobs.

Many experts on economic and financial matters have warned about the aggravate condition of global economic and financial structure.

Moreover, Covid-19(Corona Virus) is harming the global economy because the world has been experiencing the most difficult economic situation since World War-II.

All countries need to work together with cooperation and coordination to protect the human beings as well as limit the economic damages. For instance, the lockdown has restricted various businesses such as travelling to contain the virus consequently this business is coming to an abrupt halt globally.

The spread of the epidemic is picking up speed and causing more economic damages.

The jobs of common people are concerned; there is also a real threat of losing their jobs because with business shutting down that shows that companies will be unable to pay to workers resultantly they have to lay off them.

While when it comes to the stock market, it is severely damaged by Covid-19 by looking over the existing condition of several businesses, most of the investors are removing its money from multiple businesses. So, the impact of Covid-19 is severe on the economic structure of the world because people are not spending money resultantly businesses are not getting revenue therefore most of the businesses are shutting up shops.

From this it is also observed that the economic recovery from this fatal disease is only possible by 2021 because it has left severe impacts on the global economy and the countries face multiple difficulties to bring it back in a stable condition.

Most of the nations are going through recession and collapse of their economic structure that points out the staggering conditions for them.

Most of the economists have already predicted about the recession to happen because there is no surety and still no one knows that how for this pandemic fall and how long the impact would be is still difficult to predict.

As Covid-19 has already become a reason for closing the multiple businesses and closure of supermarkets which seems empty nowadays around the world. Therefore, many economists have fear and predicted that the pandemic could lead to inflation.

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